A series of industry-approved smart sensors are installed around the platform to detect a flood event. Within 15 seconds, these sensors trigger the control panel, which initiates the mechanical jacks to automatically lift the whole structure above the water level, to a maximum height of two metres. They keep it above the water level until it’s safe for the structure to return to ground level.
The Flood Adaptive Platform is 40 mile per hour impact tested, 80 mile per hour wind tested and one metre wave tested. It has the ability to rise from ground level to a maximum height of two metres in approximately 30 minutes, which is quicker than the fastest rate of flood inundation recorded in the UK.
Cost effective and simple to construct, it’s made with tried and tested off-the-shelf components and can run off mains, battery or generator power. As well as an ability to operate using back-up power systems, the robust, fail-safe design that we’ve developed is not dependent on microprocessors, making the Flood Adaptive Platform less prone to electrical failure, although it can also be operated manually.
By applying this innovative technology to mobile homes and holiday lodges, we can support the safe development of prime plots of land adjacent to bodies of water and in areas of flood risk, thanks to its proven ability to keep people and property safe throughout a flood event. Both new build and retrofit tested systems are available, and we already have a licence agreement in place with a major UK mobile home provider.
It has also been applied to modular buildings, such as the Hadley FloodSAFE House, which we developed in partnership with Hadley Group. Modular build techniques are routinely used in affordable and social housing developments, making it a hugely attractive prospect for local authorities and housing developers across the UK and beyond. It has the potential to reduce the pressure on the emergency services during flooding events and drastically reduce the clean-up costs associated with flooding. A low carbon, steel-framed house, which is manufactured off-site, it looks just like a normal house but, because it sits on our Flood Adaptive Platform, it has the ability to keep the contents safe and dry.
These are just two examples of the many ways in which we can harness the power of the Flood Adaptive Platform; its huge potential across many different industries and sectors really is limitless.
The Flood Adaptive Platform works in harmony with the natural environment. Unlike traditional solutions for mitigating flood risk, such as engineered flood walls and embankments and land raising, which often increase flood risk elsewhere, The Flood Adaptive Platform does not displace flood water, allowing it to flow unimpeded where it always has. By adopting a low-carbon, off-site approach to its assembly, the greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing, transporting, installing and maintaining the Flood Adaptive Platform are up to 90 per cent lower than those from comparable methods of flood risk mitigation. Astonishingly, the power needed to lift the Flood Adaptive Platform is less than that required to boil a kettle, which is pretty incredible when you consider that it's lifting a ten-tonne lodge!
By applying this innovative technology to mobile homes and holiday lodges, we can support the safe development of prime plots of land adjacent to bodies of water and in areas of flood risk, thanks to its proven ability to keep people and property safe throughout a flood event. Both new build and retrofit tested systems are available, and we already have a licence agreement in place with a major UK mobile home provider.
It has also been applied to modular buildings, such as the Hadley FloodSAFE House, which we developed in partnership with Hadley Group. Modular build techniques are routinely used in affordable and social housing developments, making it a hugely attractive prospect for local authorities and housing developers across the UK and beyond. It has the potential to reduce the pressure on the emergency services during flooding events and drastically reduce the clean-up costs associated with flooding. A low carbon, steel-framed house, which is manufactured off-site, it looks just like a normal house but, because it sits on our Flood Adaptive Platform, it has the ability to keep the contents safe and dry.
These are just two examples of the many ways in which we can harness the power of the Flood Adaptive Platform; its huge potential across many different industries and sectors really is limitless.
The Flood Adaptive Platform works in harmony with the natural environment. Unlike traditional solutions for mitigating flood risk, such as engineered flood walls and embankments and land raising, which often increase flood risk elsewhere, The Flood Adaptive Platform does not displace flood water, allowing it to flow unimpeded where it always has. By adopting a low-carbon, off-site approach to its assembly, the greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing, transporting, installing and maintaining the Flood Adaptive Platform are up to 95 per lower than those from comparable methods of flood risk mitigation.
I’ve followed the work of Flood Technology Group closely for a number of years and I’m incredibly excited about the transformational potential of their Flood Adaptive Technology.